Wednesday, April 8, 2009

About this blog

During the years of war in my hometown Sarajevo, life was anything but ordinary. This blog is a collection of my experiences throughout those times.
Over the years, I have been sharing these stories with my friends in the US, and often times they would encourage me to write them down. So, even though everyday life in those days seemed dull to us, looking back, there were some good, interesting, and definitely unusual events worth sharing.
Enjoy the reading, but please, do whatever You can not to allow another war happen anywhere in the world!



  1. I stumbled upon your blog by accident. I don't even know what to say. I will say though that I think your writing about what you went through is very important and needs to be said and heard. I found the entry on the garbage quite fascinating. You're right. No one thinks about such things. Also, your story about the shrapnel didn't sound like bragging to me it sounded like one of those quirky things of fate that have no explanation but happen all the same.

    Well, for not knowing what to say I certainly seem to have said a lot! Keep writing and I'll keep reading. I'm now going to read through your older posts.

    Take care.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Sorry about that I ended up posting my comment twice! Agh!

  4. Hi Toccata.
    Welcome to the site, and thanks for posting a comment. I find it interesting to find out reactions when people hear and read about these stories. I hope it brings the wars of the world closer to home, just a bit, not more, just enough to realize there are ordinary civilians going through similar circumstances.
    I often said in those days that God must have big plans in my life when he let me survive a few of those close to death experiences. Maybe telling other about them was one of them. :)
